I always tried to look at life in a way that if we had a bond previously, then I want to cherish that regardless of how it turned out

Keywords: blog , guidance , reflection , life advice , relationships , friendships , reaching out , unlocking the door , boundaries , expectations

Remember that although history does shape us, our future does too. We can learn from our mistakes, but if we keep turning our head to the past we’ll miss what’s right in front of us. Here’s to forgiveness, growth, and being that person who reaches out. Remember to form boundaries, not walls; time is relative; and there are always exceptions.


What if the goal is not to agree, but instead to see and be seen?

Keywords: covid 19 , archives , conflict , connection , conversation , couple , couples , featured , feelings , marriage , relationship , relationship tips , relationships , repair , understanding

What really helps us stay relationally connected is to experience being seen and heard, while also being accepted. This stimulates coherence in the limbic system – the emotional and attachment parts of our brains. In other words, when we’re aware that our inner reality is mirrored, known, and welcomed, it deepens our sense of belonging and security.


Allow yourselves to be a part of each other’s lives and lifestyles because nothing matters more than understanding someone’s way of life because that can either make you or break you as partners

I don’t believe that males and females can be just friends without something having been there or someone wishing circumstances were different and I always tell this to my boyfriend I am very uncomfortable with him having a deeper understanding and connection with his female friends then that he has or could ever develop for me. Now I cannot say society has influenced this feeling/decision but it has been experiences and that for me is an opinion that no one can change and one that I influence upon society because of the lack of mental and emotional relationships between partners.


If you’re considering reaching out to a former friend or estranged family member, Kirmayer suggests you first ask yourself why you want to reconnect

Keywords: Lifestyle, Coronavirus, COVID-19, coronavirus news, coronavirus update, covid-19 canada, Canada Coronavirus, Coronavirus In Canada, covid-19 news, Coronavirus Cases, Family, Relationships, coronavirus questions, Friendships

You need to be honest with yourself about whether you’re genuinely interested in rebuilding a relationship or just bored or wanting a larger network at the moment. If someone reaches out to you, there’s no need to engage unless you want to — and feel it is safe to do so.
